Posts in centuries on love
The Intellect's Quest for God

Maximus the Confessor explains that as the intellect is established in God, it longs to discover the principles of His essence. However, God’s inmost nature is beyond our capacity to investigate. We can, however, understand the qualities of His nature: eternity, infinity, indeterminateness, goodness, wisdom, and power.

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Knowing God Through Creation

Maximus the Confessor teaches that we cannot know God’s essence directly. Instead, we know Him through the grandeur of His creation and His providential care for all creatures. These serve as mirrors reflecting His infinite goodness, wisdom, and power.

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The Rising Sun of Righteousness

Maximus the Confessor likens the revelation of divine truth to the rising sun. Just as the sun illuminates the world, revealing itself and everything it touches, the Sun of righteousness reveals Himself and the inner principles of all creation when He rises in the pure intellect.

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The Journey of the Intellect: From Commandments to Divine Knowledge

Maximus the Confessor outlines a transformative journey for the intellect, guiding it from the ensnaring passions of the world to the sublime knowledge of the Holy Trinity. This journey involves a series of progressive steps: fulfilling the commandments, engaging in spiritual contemplation of visible things, gaining knowledge of invisible things, and ultimately, achieving direct knowledge of the Holy Trinity.

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The State of Dispassion

Maximus the Confessor describes the highest state of dispassion as one where the conceptual images in the heart remain free from passion, whether the body is awake or asleep. This state is achieved through fulfilling commandments, contemplating visible things, and ultimately knowing the Holy Trinity.

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The Clarity of Virtue and Knowledge

Maximus the Confessor teaches that those who have attained virtues and spiritual knowledge see things clearly in their true nature. Such individuals act and speak appropriately in all circumstances, never falling into delusion. How we use things—rightly or wrongly—determines our moral character.

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The Battle of Thoughts and Material Things

In the spiritual journey, achieving dispassion towards material things is a significant milestone. However, Maximus the Confessor emphasizes that it is even more commendable to remain dispassionate when confronted with mental images of such things. The war that demons wage through thoughts is more severe than the war waged through material things.

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