The State of Dispassion

93. If the conceptual images that continually rise up in the heart are free from passion whether the body is awake or asleep, then we may know that we have attained the highest state of dispassion.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #93

Maximus the Confessor describes the highest state of dispassion as one where the conceptual images in the heart remain free from passion, whether the body is awake or asleep. This state is achieved through fulfilling commandments, contemplating visible things, and ultimately knowing the Holy Trinity.

Imagine a tranquil, undisturbed lake reflecting the sky above. In this state of perfect stillness, even the slightest ripple is absent. Achieving such dispassion means maintaining this inner tranquility, free from the disturbances of passion, regardless of external circumstances.

This serene state is reached through disciplined practice—living according to God’s commandments, contemplating creation, and seeking divine knowledge. By doing so, we strip away the layers of passion, revealing a pure, undisturbed soul capable of reflecting the divine light.