The Journey of the Intellect: From Commandments to Divine Knowledge

94.Through fulfilling the commandments the intellect strip itself of the passions. Through spiritual contemplation of things visible it casts off impassioned conceptions of such things. Through knowledge of things invisible it discards the contemplation of things visible. Finally it denudes itself even of this through knowledge of the Holy Trinity.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #94

Maximus the Confessor outlines a transformative journey for the intellect, guiding it from the ensnaring passions of the world to the sublime knowledge of the Holy Trinity. This journey involves a series of progressive steps: fulfilling the commandments, engaging in spiritual contemplation of visible things, gaining knowledge of invisible things, and ultimately, achieving direct knowledge of the Holy Trinity.

Think about a mountain climber embarking on a challenging ascent. The journey begins at the base, where the climber must navigate through dense forests and rocky terrain. This initial phase represents fulfilling the commandments, which helps the intellect strip itself of passions. Just as the climber must shed unnecessary burdens to move upward, adhering to God’s commandments purifies the soul, freeing it from the entanglements of worldly desires and sinful inclinations.

As the climber progresses, the path leads to a plateau offering a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. This phase symbolizes the spiritual contemplation of visible things. Here, the intellect casts off impassioned conceptions, seeing the world not through the lens of desire but with clarity and insight. The visible world becomes a reflection of divine order, and through this contemplation, the soul gains a deeper appreciation of God’s creation and His presence within it.

Continuing the ascent, the climber reaches higher altitudes where the air is thinner and the surroundings more serene. This stage represents the knowledge of things invisible. The intellect begins to focus on the spiritual principles underlying the material world, discarding the need to contemplate the visible as it gains understanding of the invisible realities that govern existence. It’s as if the climber, now above the clouds, sees the interconnectedness and underlying truths that were previously hidden.

Finally, the climber approaches the summit, where the view is breathtaking and the sense of achievement profound. This ultimate stage represents the knowledge of the Holy Trinity. The intellect, having discarded all lower forms of contemplation, now denudes itself even of these higher understandings. It reaches a state of pure awareness and direct communion with the divine. Here, the intellect is illuminated by the light of the Holy Trinity, experiencing a profound union with God that transcends all previous knowledge.

This journey is not just a linear progression but a transformative process that requires dedication, discipline, and grace. Each step builds upon the previous one, leading the intellect closer to its ultimate goal: the knowledge and experience of God in His most profound and intimate essence.

By fulfilling the commandments, engaging in spiritual contemplation, and seeking deeper knowledge, we embark on this sacred ascent. We purify our minds, elevate our understanding, and open ourselves to the divine mysteries. In this way, we align our lives with the divine will and move ever closer to the heart of God.

May we, through our diligent practice and faithful devotion, undertake this journey with courage and humility. As we ascend, let us strip away the passions, embrace divine knowledge, and seek the ultimate union with the Holy Trinity, reflecting His boundless love and wisdom in our lives.