The Rising Sun of Righteousness

95. When the sun rises and casts its light on the world, it reveals both itself and the things it illumines. Similarly, when the Sun of righteousness rises in the pure intellect. He reveals both Himself and the inner principles of all that has been and will be brought into existence by Him.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #95

Maximus the Confessor likens the revelation of divine truth to the rising sun. Just as the sun illuminates the world, revealing itself and everything it touches, the Sun of righteousness reveals Himself and the inner principles of all creation when He rises in the pure intellect.

Imagine standing at dawn, witnessing the first rays of sunlight piercing the darkness, illuminating the landscape with clarity and warmth. This moment of revelation parallels the spiritual awakening when divine light fills the intellect, illuminating both God and His creation.

When we purify our intellect and open ourselves to divine wisdom, we experience this illuminating presence. The Sun of righteousness enlightens our minds, allowing us to see the true nature of all things and deepening our understanding of God and His creation.