Knowing God Through Creation

96. We do not know God from His essence. We know Him rather from the grandeur of His creation and from His providential care for all creatures. For through these, as though they were mirrors, we may attain insight into His infinite goodness, wisdom and power.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #96

Maximus the Confessor teaches that we cannot know God’s essence directly. Instead, we know Him through the grandeur of His creation and His providential care for all creatures. These serve as mirrors reflecting His infinite goodness, wisdom, and power.

Imagine a vast, intricate tapestry depicting a beautiful landscape. Each thread and detail reflects the skill and vision of the artist. Similarly, the universe and everything in it reflect the attributes of God—the Creator. Through nature and His care for creation, we glimpse His greatness.

By contemplating the wonders of creation and recognizing God’s hand in all things, we develop a deeper appreciation for His majesty. This understanding fosters a sense of awe and reverence, drawing us closer to Him.

97. The pure intellect is occupied either with passion-free conceptual images of human affairs, or with the natural contemplation of things visible or invisible, or with the light of the Holy Trinity..