Formation and Fellowship

At St. Francis, we know that the Christian faith is not a solo activity.  If you are ready for friendship, learning, and spiritual growth, take a step and join a group.

Worship Opportunities

From welcoming visitors and parishioners at church, to taking care of the Altar or reading the scripture, there are many ways to participate in worship at St. Francis.

Opportunities to Serve Others

As a part of our faith we are called to pray, teach, and serve with the talents that God has given us. This means making a new friend, learning a new skill, or beginning a new adventure.

At St. Francis, we live out our faith within and outside our walls, from serving during worship and weekly activities on campus to partnering with local and global agencies in acts of compassion and striving for social justice and respecting the dignity of every human being. Our compassion extends across the world, including support for our sister parish in Cuba.