The Occupation of the Pure Intellect

97. The pure intellect is occupied either with passion-free conceptual images of human affairs, or with the natural contemplation of things visible or invisible, or with the light of the Holy Trinity.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #97

Maximus the Confessor explains that the pure intellect engages with passion-free conceptual images of human affairs, natural contemplation of visible or invisible things, or the light of the Holy Trinity.

Imagine a scholar deeply absorbed in a library, surrounded by texts that reveal profound truths. The pure intellect similarly engages with thoughts and contemplations free from passion, seeking deeper understanding of both the material and spiritual realms.

This focused engagement allows the intellect to ascend to higher levels of contemplation, exploring the divine mysteries and the principles underlying creation. By maintaining purity of thought, the intellect remains aligned with divine wisdom.