Contemplation of Visible Things

98. When the intellect is engaged in the contemplation of things visible, it searches out either the natural principles of these things or the spiritual principles which they reflect, or else it seeks their original cause.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #98

When the intellect contemplates visible things, it searches for their natural principles, the spiritual principles they reflect, or their original cause, according to Maximus the Confessor.

Imagine a scientist examining a flower, seeking to understand its structure, its role in the ecosystem, and its origin. Similarly, the intellect, in contemplating visible things, seeks to uncover the deeper truths and spiritual significance behind their existence.

This process of contemplation enriches our understanding of the world and our place within it. By seeking the underlying principles and divine purposes, we elevate our perception and appreciation of creation, leading us closer to the Creator.