Valentines Day Re-imagined

 Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.
— G. K. Chesterton

St. Valentine was a third-century Christian priest in Rome during a period when the Church faced unrelenting persecution. Accounts of his life, though many are shrouded in legend, reveal a man who risked his freedom by ministering to persecuted believers. Some say he performed wedding ceremonies for couples in secret, defiance that arose not from a thirst for conflict but from a heart that recognized marriage as a gift from God. This devotion to divine love, in the face of imperial opposition, ultimately led to his imprisonment. Yet Valentine continued preaching that love is stronger than fear, even in his final days.

In prison, Valentine wrote letters to comfort fellow believers. It is said he signed these letters “Your Valentine,” stirring within them a hope that love in God’s name would not be quenched by bars or guards. This was not the shallow affection we often reduce to a pink card—this was the depth of selfless love rooted in sacrificial giving. Faced with danger, Valentine chose to love more fiercely.

When we turn our eyes to scripture, we see that love transcends mere sentiment. The apostle John tells us, “God is love,” reminding us that what we demonstrate in the world should be a reflection of the divine imprint on our lives. If we follow the thread of Valentine’s story, we find love that faithfully gives of itself, love that guards the dignity of others, and love that boldly testifies to the truth of Jesus Christ.

We can take Valentine’s example and let it kindle in us a passion for the people in our communities. Are there neighbors we might lift up with a timely word of encouragement, a helping hand, or a secret act of care? Are there broken relationships in our families needing the gentle touch of forgiveness? Valentine’s Day, reclaimed in its original spirit, can be a catalyst to renew our purpose for following Jesus. A day that once focused on cards and candy can become an invitation to live out the radical nature of God’s love—a love that goes beyond comfort and convenience.

My prayer is that this Valentine’s Day can serve as a fresh invitation to a deeper walk with Jesus. May the life of St. Valentine spark in you a mighty fire for love that burns away selfishness and fear, and may you find the grace to follow Christ with renewed boldness. As you go out into your days and weeks ahead, let the theme of this day spur you onward, reminding you that true love—steadfast, selfless, and bold—always draws us closer to the heart of God. Be confident in the power of God’s love, and trust that, through even the smallest acts of kindness, the legacy of St. Valentine lives on in each one of us who follows Jesus.