Posts tagged st francis in-the-Field
The Incarnate Logos: Understanding Theology through Christ

In the heart of Christian spirituality, as echoed in the profound writings of the Philokalia, lies a gem of wisdom: "Theology is taught us by the incarnate Logos of God since He reveals in Himself the Father and the Holy Spirit." This statement encapsulates a fundamental truth about the Christian journey and the pursuit of understanding God.

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Embracing the Divine Discourse

In the profound depths of the Gospel of John, we encounter a translation that speaks to the heart of our spiritual journey: "At the outset, there existed the dialogue, and this dialogue was alongside God, and indeed, the dialogue was divine." This passage invites us into a mesmerizing world of divine discourse, a realm where contemplation and action intertwine, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of our relationship with the Divine.

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Incarnation, You, and Me

The profound mystery of the Incarnation, as articulated by St. Maximos the Confessor, offers a unique opportunity to explore both the divine and human aspects of this central Christian doctrine. At the heart of this mystery is the paradoxical truth that God, in His infinite and transcendent nature, chose to become fully human in the person of Jesus Christ. This act of Incarnation bridges the immeasurable gap between the divine and human, making it not just a theological concept but a reality that touches every aspect of human existence.

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Boundless Joy

Unconditional love, especially when viewed through a divine lens, is a profound journey of the soul, a deep-seated conviction that transcends mere human understanding. The saying emphasizes the intrinsic connection between loving God and loving every human being. It brings to light a deep spiritual truth: our ability to love others without conditions is directly proportional to the depth of our love for the Divine.

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