Embracing the Cosmic Gift

“He became what we are that he might make us what He is.”

On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius

As the world twinkles in the festive lights of Christmas, our hearts turn to a timeless truth, beautifully articulated by St. Athanasius in his seminal work, "On the Incarnation." He wrote, "He became what we are that he might make us what He is." In these few words lies the cosmic reality of Christmas.

This season isn't just about merriment; it's a celestial invitation to transformation. The birth of Jesus Christ is not merely a historical event but a pivotal moment in the cosmos. In His coming, the divine intersected with the human, altering the course of history and destiny alike.

Christmas beckons us to reflect on this miraculous incarnation. It's a call to understand that in the vulnerability of a child in a manger, the power of the universe was at play. This child was not just born into our world; He was born into our lives, offering us a path to become reflections of His love and grace.

As we celebrate, let us respond to this profound mystery not just with songs and gifts, but with a deep commitment to embody the love and compassion He brought into our world. This Christmas, let's not just remember His birth; let's live it, embracing the cosmic journey from the manger to our hearts, transforming our lives in His image.

Let this Christmas be more than a celebration; let it be a renewal, a reawakening to the divine presence that came to us and continues to dwell within and among us. In the words of St. Athanasius, let us become what He is – bearers of divine love, agents of change, and harbingers of hope in a world that yearns for the light He brought.