Cultivating a Sanctuary Within

Picture an ancient, ornate temple standing with regal poise amidst the chaotic sprawl of a bustling city. Its spires pierce the sky, offering a stark contrast to the modern edifices around it. This temple is a beacon of serenity, a space untouched by the frenetic energy of the streets below. Within its walls, one feels an immediate sense of calm and reverence—a palpable shift from the disarray outside.

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Dancing Shadows and the Timeless Light

Saying 20 of Maximus the Confessor states, "If you make provision for the desires of the flesh and bear a grudge against your neighbor on account of something transitory, you worship the creature instead of the Creator."

The cave represents our worldly existence, and the shadows are the transient desires and grudges we hold onto. In their dance, we often lose sight of the light above, the true and eternal.

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The Alluring Horizon

Several years ago Vanessa and I were traveling around New Zealand and we stopped at a little park that contained a mirror lake. That morning the world was hushed, the air cool, and the only sound you can hear is the gentle lapping of water against the shore. As you look at the surface of the water you see the reflection of Mount Cook as if and artist painted it on the surface of the water. The snowcapped mountain and subsequent glacier gaze upon you as you absorb the beauty of the world around you.

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The Quest for Lasting Fulfillment

Imagine standing at the edge of a vast desert, the hot sun beating down on golden sands that stretch infinitely in all directions. These sands are in constant flux, moved by the whims of the winds. Just as you think you've grasped a handful, it slips through your fingers, disappearing as quickly as it appeared. Such is the nature of the transitory and corruptible.

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The Garden of Humanity

Now, picture, if you will, a vast and expansive garden—the Garden of Humanity. In this garden, there are myriad flowers, each unique in its own splendor. Some are roses with vibrant red petals, others are delicate lilies, while still others are daisies standing tall with their sunny faces to the sky. Each flower holds a beauty that's intrinsic, and none can claim to be superior or inferior to another.

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Love in Action

The measure of our love for God can often be gauged by our ability to love those around us. This isn't limited to mere words or feelings but is reflected in our genuine efforts to understand, care for, and uplift others. Every act of kindness, every gesture of understanding, and every moment of patience towards our neighbor becomes a living testament to our love for God.

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The Nexus between Divine Love and Human Relations

It is crucial to differentiate between condemning an act and harboring hatred towards an individual. While we might denounce an action as immoral or harmful, it doesn't warrant cultivating a feeling of hatred towards the person committing it. Understanding this distinction is essential in nurturing a heart that's in harmony with divine love.

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Boundless Joy

Unconditional love, especially when viewed through a divine lens, is a profound journey of the soul, a deep-seated conviction that transcends mere human understanding. The saying emphasizes the intrinsic connection between loving God and loving every human being. It brings to light a deep spiritual truth: our ability to love others without conditions is directly proportional to the depth of our love for the Divine.

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Divine Infinity

Have you ever stood atop a mountain or gazed out into the vastness of the ocean and felt an overwhelming sense of smallness? Now imagine that feeling amplified a gazillion times over, not in the face of nature, but in the presence of the infinite God. St. Maximus describes an intellectual and spiritual epiphany that is both humbling and transformative.

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