The Battle of Thoughts and Material Things

91. It is already much not to be roused to any passion by material things. It is even more to remain dispassionate when presented with mental images of such things. For the war which the demons wage against us by means of thoughts is more severe than the war they wage by means of material things.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #91

In the spiritual journey, achieving dispassion towards material things is a significant milestone. However, Maximus the Confessor emphasizes that it is even more commendable to remain dispassionate when confronted with mental images of such things. The war that demons wage through thoughts is more severe than the war waged through material things.

Imagine a fortress under siege. The physical walls may withstand the assault of external forces, but the real threat comes from within—subversive thoughts that can undermine the fortress's defenses. Similarly, while it is crucial to remain unattached to material possessions, the greater challenge lies in mastering the mind and its images.

These mental images can stir passions and lead us astray, creating a battleground in the mind. By cultivating inner peace and dispassion towards these images, we fortify our souls against the more subtle and insidious attacks. This inner fortitude allows us to maintain our spiritual focus and integrity, even amidst the most intense mental battles.