The Shadow of Listlessness: Overcoming with Patient Endurance

67. While passions such as forgetfulness and ignorance affect but one of the soul’s three aspects - the incensive, the desiring or the intelligent - listlessness alone seizes control of all the soul’s powers and rouses almost all the passions together. That is why this passion is more serious than all the others. Hence our Lord has given us an excellent remedy against it, saying: “You will gain possession of your souls through your patient endurance’ (Luke 21:19).

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #67

In our spiritual journey, as we have learned thus far various passions seek to distract, divert, and derail us from our spiritual path. Among these, forgetfulness and ignorance may target specific aspects of the soul—be it the incensive, desiring, or intelligent. Yet, there is one passion that casts a wider net, ensnaring the soul's entirety in its grip: listlessness. Maximus the Confessor identifies this particular passion as especially perilous because it seizes control of all the soul’s powers, rousing nearly every passion in its wake.

Imagine a dense fog rolling over a landscape, not just obscuring a single path but enveloping the entire terrain in a shroud of dull gray. This fog is listlessness, a pervasive force that saps the soul of its vitality, dampens its fervor, and leaves it vulnerable to a host of other passions. It induces a state of spiritual inertia, where motivation wanes and the vibrant colors of faith, hope, and love fade into a monochrome of apathy and despondency.

In this fog of listlessness, the soul’s incensive power, which should be directed towards righteous anger and zeal, becomes dulled and inactive. The desiring aspect, meant to aspire towards the good and the divine, loses its direction, sinking into torpor. The intelligent aspect, designed to seek and understand truth, finds itself mired in confusion and forgetfulness.

Recognizing the grave threat posed by listlessness, our Lord provides a powerful remedy: "You will gain possession of your souls through your patient endurance" (Luke 21:19). This exhortation to patient endurance is not merely a call to passive waiting but an active engagement in steadfastness and resilience.

Imagine a steadfast lighthouse standing firm against the relentless battering of stormy seas. This lighthouse, unyielding and resolute, symbolizes the soul that embraces patient endurance. Through the turbulence of doubt, the tempests of temptation, and the fog of listlessness, the light shines unwaveringly, guiding the way to safe harbor.

Patient endurance involves a commitment to perseverance even when the spiritual journey seems arduous and the road ahead unclear. It is the practice of maintaining faith and hope despite the internal and external challenges that seek to erode them. Through patient endurance, the soul learns to navigate the fog, gradually dissipating the clouds of listlessness and reclaiming its vitality.

Consider the life of Job, who endured immense suffering and loss yet remained steadfast in his faith. His patient endurance through trials not only fortified his soul but also brought him into deeper communion with God. His story exemplifies the transformative power of enduring faith in the face of overwhelming adversity.

In our own lives, we may encounter periods of spiritual dryness, where listlessness threatens to overshadow our fervor and devotion. During these times, it is crucial to remember that patient endurance is the key to reclaiming our souls. This involves daily practices of prayer, reflection, and acts of love, even when they feel burdensome or uninspired.

By committing to these practices with perseverance, we can gradually overcome the fog of listlessness. Our souls, fortified by patient endurance, will regain their vibrancy and strength, allowing us to fully engage with the divine and the world around us.

Let us take to heart the wisdom of Maximus the Confessor and the teachings of Christ. Let us embrace patient endurance as our shield against the pervasive passion of listlessness, knowing that through steadfast perseverance, we will gain possession of our souls.

May we, through our dedicated endurance, illuminate the path before us, dispel the shadows of listlessness, and reflect the unwavering light of divine love and grace in all that we do.