The Divine Flame

28. He who has realized love for God in his heart is tireless, as Jeremiah says (cf. Jer. 17:16. LXX), in his pursuit of the Lord his God, and bears every hardship, reproach and insult nobly, never thinking the least evil of anyone.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #28

Picture a vast, barren landscape, blanketed by the silver luminescence of moonlight. A solitary figure stands in the midst, undeterred by the biting cold or the howling winds that seem to carry whispers of discouragement. His gaze is locked firmly on the distant horizon where the first hint of dawn promises to break. This traveler’s heart burns with an eternal flame, a love for God that neither the harshest elements nor the darkest nights can extinguish.

In this portrayal, the traveler epitomizes the essence of what Maximus the Confessor conveys. Just like the relentless flame that defies the encroaching darkness, love for God, once kindled in the heart, becomes an unstoppable force. It propels the soul forward, making it indefatigable in its pursuit of the divine.

But this journey is not without its challenges. Just as the traveler faces gusts of wind, icy grounds, and looming shadows, a person filled with love for God often encounters hardships, reproaches, and insults. The world might not always understand this love, sometimes mocking it, sometimes challenging it. Yet, like the traveler who is driven by the impending dawn, the lover of God is fueled by a divine promise, a celestial connection.

What's even more remarkable is the purity of this journey. With every step taken in love, bitterness and resentment find no place in the heart. The traveler might face obstacles, but he doesn't attribute them to any evildoer. He doesn't think ill of anyone, for his heart is so saturated with divine love that there's no room for negativity.

As the first rays of dawn pierce the night, illuminating the once barren landscape with a golden hue, our traveler's path becomes clear. It's a testament to the transformative power of unwavering faith and love. Just as dawn inevitably follows the darkest night, a heart brimming with love for God will inevitably find its way to the divine, turning every challenge into a stepping stone, every reproach into a testament of its unwavering devotion. In this eternal dance of love and pursuit, the lover becomes a beacon of hope, a living testament to the enduring power of divine love.