Dispassionate Prayer

88. When during prayer no conceptual image of anything worldly disturbs your intellect, then know that you are within the realm of dispassion.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #88

Maximus the Confessor teaches that when no conceptual image of anything worldly disturbs your intellect during prayer, you are within the realm of dispassion.

Imagine a tranquil lake at dawn, its surface undisturbed by wind or waves, reflecting the heavens with perfect clarity. In such a state of tranquility, the lake mirrors the sky above without distortion. Similarly, a dispassionate intellect during prayer reflects the divine presence without distraction or disturbance.

Achieving this state of dispassion in prayer involves cultivating a deep focus on God, setting aside worldly concerns, and allowing the soul to rest in His presence. This undisturbed communion with God leads to a profound sense of peace and spiritual fulfillment.