St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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The Free Intellect

86. The intellect, once totally free from passions, proceeds un-distracted to the contemplation of created beings, making its way towards knowledge of the Holy Trinity.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #86

Maximus the Confessor teaches that an intellect free from passions can proceed undistracted to the contemplation of created beings, ultimately making its way toward knowledge of the Holy Trinity.

Imagine a clear, unclouded sky, allowing the sun’s rays to illuminate the world below. Similarly, a passion-free intellect can fully perceive and contemplate the beauty and complexity of God’s creation. This clarity of thought leads to a deeper understanding of the Holy Trinity and strengthens our spiritual connection.

By freeing the intellect from passions, we open ourselves to the fullness of divine wisdom and insight. This path of contemplation leads us closer to the heart of God and allows us to experience His presence more profoundly.