St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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The Sparrow and the Intellect

85. When a sparrow tied by the leg tries to fly, it is held back by the string and pulled down to the earth. Similarly, when the intellect that has not yet attained dispassion flies up towards heavenly knowledge, it is held back by the passions and pulled down to the earth.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #85

Maximus the Confessor compares the intellect struggling with passions to a sparrow tied by the leg, trying to fly but being pulled back to the earth. Similarly, the intellect striving for heavenly knowledge is hindered by earthly passions.

Imagine a bird tethered by a string, yearning to soar freely in the sky but held back by its bonds. The passions act as this tether, grounding the intellect and preventing it from ascending to spiritual heights. To achieve true spiritual freedom, we must break these bonds and free the intellect from the passions.

This process involves cultivating virtues such as self-control, humility, and love. By overcoming the passions, we enable the intellect to pursue divine knowledge and deepen our relationship with God.