Perfect Love Beyond Human Character

70. You have not yet acquired perfect love if your regard for people is still swayed by their characters – for example, if, for some particular reason, you love one person and hate another, or if for the same reason you sometimes love and sometimes hate the same person.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #70

Maximus the Confessor teaches that our love for others should not be swayed by their individual characteristics. If our regard for people fluctuates based on their behavior or our personal feelings, we have not yet attained perfect love. Perfect love transcends personal differences and sees the shared human nature in all.

Imagine a lighthouse standing firm against the backdrop of a stormy sea, its light shining equally for all ships, regardless of their origin or destination. Perfect love is like this lighthouse, providing guidance and warmth to every soul without discrimination.

When we allow our love to be influenced by the changing characteristics of individuals, we limit the divine potential of that love. Instead, we must strive to love others for their inherent worth as creations of God. This unconditional love reflects the divine love that God has for all humanity, encouraging us to rise above personal biases and judgments.

By practicing this impartial love, we move closer to embodying the perfect love that God exemplifies. It is a love that sees beyond surface differences and embraces the universal essence of humanity, fostering deeper connections and spiritual growth.