St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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Navigating the Storms

29. When you are insulted by someone or .humiliated, guard against angry thoughts, lest they arouse a feeling of irritation, and so cut you off from love and place you in the realm of hatred.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #29

Imagine a tranquil sea, its azure depths reflecting the cerulean sky above, with gentle waves playfully nudging the sandy shore. Now, from the horizon, a dark cloud appears, bringing with it a tempest that disrupts this tranquility. The calm waters turn tumultuous, and the once clear skies are overshadowed by the storm. Yet, beneath these roiling waters, in the deep abyss of the sea, tranquility remains untouched.

Much like this sea, our inner peace can be disrupted by the unexpected storms of life – insults, humiliations, and perceived slights. These incidents, if allowed to, can stir up the surface of our minds, clouding our inner tranquility with angry thoughts and feelings of irritation. If these turbulent waves of anger are left unchecked, they possess the power to shift us from the realm of love into the treacherous territory of hatred.

Maximus the Confessor’s wisdom reminds us that the heart, when imbued with love, has the depth to remain undisturbed by surface storms. Insults and humiliations are like those transient storms; they come and go. However, if we dive deep within, to the core of our being where love resides, we can anchor ourselves in its serenity and be shielded from the disturbances above.

In the aftermath of a storm, as the tempest retreats and calmness ensues, the sea doesn't hold a grudge against the storm. It returns to its natural state of peace. In much the same way, when faced with insults or humiliations, the heart fortified with love doesn't retain scars of anger or bitterness. Instead, it finds its way back to its innate state of love and understanding.

In this journey of life, as we navigate through tempestuous emotions and challenging situations, let us remember to dive deep into the oceanic depths of love within us. By doing so, we not only protect ourselves from the transitory storms of anger and hatred but also illuminate our path with the timeless glow of love and compassion.