St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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The Sunlit Path to Divine Knowledge

32. Just as the light of the sun attracts a healthy eye, so through love knowledge of God naturally draws to itself the pure intellect.

 St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #32

Imagine standing on the edge of a vast meadow at dawn. The world around you is painted in hues of soft blues and grays, a tranquil canvas of predawn serenity. As time ebbs, the first rays of the sun gently pierce the horizon, casting a golden light that dances across the expanse, illuminating every blade of grass, every dewdrop. If you have healthy eyes, you cannot help but be drawn to this majestic display. The sun, in all its morning glory, beckons, and the eye naturally gravitates towards it, captivated by its brilliance.

Such is the relationship between the pure intellect and the knowledge of God when guided by love.  The intellect, in its untainted and pure form, yearns for higher truths, just as a healthy eye is drawn to light. It seeks understanding, clarity, and enlightenment. In the spiritual realm, the most profound of these truths is the knowledge of God. This knowledge isn’t just a collection of facts or doctrines but a deep, experiential awareness of the Divine. And the most potent magnet that pulls the intellect towards this divine knowledge? Love.

Love, in its truest form, isn't just an emotion. It's a transformative force. When the intellect is infused with genuine love, it becomes like the healthy eye that cannot resist the allure of sunlight. It is naturally and irresistibly drawn towards the luminance of God's knowledge. This journey isn’t forced or contrived; it's as natural as a moth being drawn to a flame or a flower turning to face the sun.

The meadow of our soul, bathed in the golden light of love, finds its path clear and unobstructed. Every shadow of doubt, every haze of uncertainty, is dispelled by this radiant glow. The intellect, guided by this light, finds its true north in the knowledge of God, drawn to it as surely as the tides are pulled by the moon.

In our quest for divine understanding, we must recognize the integral role of love. Without it, our pursuit remains academic, detached, and sterile. But with love, our intellect is not only drawn to the knowledge of God but is also transformed by it, much like the meadow that is bathed and beautified by the sun's golden embrace.

As we nurture the purity of our intellect and fuel our journey with love, we'll find that the knowledge of God is not a distant star but a sun that rises within us, illuminating our path, warming our souls, and guiding us towards the divine embrace.