Newcomer Class


Periodically, throughout the year, we invite visitors and those interested in joining our church to a newcomers series we call St. Francis 101. During this four-week series we talk about the Episcopal Church and we dive into the different ministries you can get involved with at St. Francis. We encourage you to check back here and check our monthly calendar for upcoming dates.

Next Newcomer Series:

Our next newcomer series will begin on Sunday, January 26th at 9AM in our Parish Office.  This is a four-week series and will conclude on February 16th.  If you and your family are interested in attending, please call our Parish Office or email our Director of Parish Life & Operation, Noelle Pecora.

Session 1 - What we believe

Session 2 - how we pray

session 3 - getting connected

session 4 - newcomer sunday and liturgy of belonging