Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday

April 13

christian formation for all ages starting at 9am

worship at 8am in the sanctuary (Live stream availabe) and 10:30AM at the Hope Pavilion

We are offering two worship services this Palm Sunday, commemorating Jesus Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Then with abruptness, we thrust into the reading of the Passion and the final moments of Jesus' earthly life.

Given the opportunities for deep reflection, we are having a special hour of Christian formation for all ages (children and adults) starting at 9AM. Children Pre-K thru 5th grade must be dropped off at the Youth & Family Building by a parent or adult caregiver. Adults are welcome to join Deacon Mark in our parish hall for a unique class and forum. Coffee, other beverages, and light treats will be available during the entire hour.

Our Nursery will be open from 8:50AM to the close of our 10:30AM service.

Maundy Thursday

april 17 at 6:30PM in the sanctuary (live stream available)

incense will be used at the end of this service to sanctify our symbolic garden of gethsemane for the night watch

On Maundy Thursday, we remember the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the act of washing the disciples' feet, and the mandate to love one another as He loved us.

During this sacred service, you are invited to have either your feet or hands washed by a family member. Following this, all decorative furnishings are removed from the church in preparation for Good Friday. Afterward, the reserved sacrament is taken to the Parish Hall for a prayer vigil at our symbolic Garden of Gethsemane.  

Gethsemane Prayer Watch

April 17 at 8pm - April 18 at 12pm (live stream available)

A Prayer Vigil over the reserved sacrament is observed throughout the night on Maundy Thursday until noon on Good Friday in our symbolic Garden of Gethsemane surrounded by plants and private meditative space in our Parish Hall. You may sign up to pray in one-hour increments. “Will you stay awake and watch for just one hour?”   

Sign up for a prayer shift here.

You can fill out a prayer request here.

Good Friday

april 18 at 12pm in the sanctuary (live stream available)

Stations of the Cross at 6:30PM at Hope Pavilaion

The is the somber day on which the church commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. There are two opportunities to worship this day. The liturgy at 12 pm includes John's account of the Passion gospel and includes a solemn form of intercession known as the solemn collects (dating from ancient Rome). At 6:30pm, we will have Stations of the Cross that begins outdoors at the Hope Pavilion. The Stations will be interactive and you will have the opportunity to walk the Way of the Cross in prayer.

Easter Services

Easter Vigil - saturday, april 19 at 6:30pm

incense will be used at this service

The Easter Vigil, or Great Vigil of Easter, is the first celebration of Easter Day. The service begins outside while it is still dark where we will light a fire to symbolize the light of Christ overcoming sin and death. From that fire, we light the Paschal Candle and walk it into the church to remain there through the fifty days of the Easter season. The service includes a Renewal of Baptismal Vows and concludes with Holy Eucharist.

Following the Great Vigil, we will celebrate outside with light refreshments. Please bring a bottle of wine or a dessert to share.  

Easter sunday- sunday, april 20 at 7:30AM, 9:15AM, and 11:30AM (live streams will be available)

7:30AM - Traditional Easter Worship Service

9:15AM - Family Easter Worship

11:30AM - Traditional Easter Worship Service

We will celebrate the feast of Christ's resurrection with three offerings of the Holy Eucharist. At 9:15, we are offering a service dedicated to our families with children. Our worship and sermon will be centered around our most youthful members. For more traditional (and quiet) services, we encourage you to attend our 7:30 or 11:30 services.


The flowering of the cross - starting at 9am

All families and guests are invited to bring a bouquet of flowers to help fill and decorate our large cross, symbolizing the new life that emerges from Jesus' death and resurrection.

easter egg hunt & fellowhip - 10:30AM-11:30Am

Our annual Easter egg hunt will take place in between the services at 10:30AM on the Parish Front Lawn. We will have separate areas for our younger and older children. Plenty of light refreshments and sweets will be offered during this family friendly event in our Parish Hall.