St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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Dreams and Spiritual Health

89. Once the soul starts to feel its own good health, the images in its dreams are also calm and free from passion.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #89

Maximus the Confessor observes that when the soul starts to feel its own good health, the images in its dreams are also calm and free from passion.

Imagine a garden that has been meticulously cared for, with healthy plants and vibrant flowers. Just as a well-tended garden flourishes, a healthy soul produces calm and peaceful dreams. These dreams reflect the inner state of the soul, free from the disturbances of passion and turmoil.

By nurturing our spiritual health through prayer, meditation, and virtuous living, we can achieve a state of inner peace that extends even to our dreams. This holistic approach to spiritual well-being ensures that our entire being—body, mind, and soul—is aligned with God’s will.