St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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Perfect Love and Fear

82. The first kind of fear is expelled by perfect love when the soul has acquired this and is no longer afraid of punishment (cf. 1 John 4:18). The second kind, as we have already said, is always found united with perfect love. The first kind of fear is referred to in the following two verses: ‘Out of fear of the Lord men shun evil’ (Prov. 16:6), and ‘Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’ (Ps. 111:10). The second kind is mentioned in the following verses: ‘Fear of the Lord is pure, and endures for ever’ (Ps. 19:9. LXX), and “Those who fear the Lord will not want for anything’ (Ps. 34:10. LXX).

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #82

Maximus the Confessor explains that perfect love expels the first kind of fear, which is based on punishment. However, the second kind of fear, which is pure and linked with love, remains united with perfect love. This second fear is enduring and is characterized by a reverence that prevents spiritual indifference.

Imagine a student who initially studies diligently out of fear of failing exams. As the student grows and begins to love learning for its own sake, the fear of failure diminishes. Instead, a deep respect and passion for knowledge take its place. This love and reverence for learning ensure the student’s continued dedication and growth.

In the same way, as we cultivate perfect love for God, the fear of punishment fades, replaced by a pure reverence that sustains our devotion. This reverence, born of love, deepens our connection with God and ensures that our spiritual journey remains vibrant and committed.