St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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The Healing Balm of Love: Conquering the Incensive Passions

66. The passions of the soul’s incensive power are more difficult to combat than those of its desiring aspect. Consequently our Lord has given a stronger remedy against them; the commandment of love.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #66

In the intricate tapestry of the human soul, the passions of the incensive power stand as fierce adversaries, challenging our peace and spiritual equilibrium. Maximus the Confessor wisely observes that these passions, characterized by anger, resentment, and aggression, are more formidable and difficult to overcome than those related to desire. Recognizing this, our Lord provides a potent antidote: the commandment of love.

Picture a vast, stormy sea, its waves crashing with relentless fury against the shore. The incensive passions are like these tempestuous waves, driven by the winds of perceived injustices, personal slights, and unmet expectations. They surge and roar within us, threatening to drown our sense of tranquility and compassion.

In contrast, the passions of desire are like the gentle currents of a river, tempting us with the allure of pleasure and satisfaction. While these currents can lead us astray, they do so with a subtler force, their influence often less immediately destructive than the tempest of anger and aggression.

To combat the turbulent waves of incensive passions, Christ offers a remedy as powerful as the storm itself: love. This commandment is not merely a suggestion but a divine mandate, a beacon guiding us through the darkest tempests.

Imagine a lighthouse standing tall against the backdrop of the stormy sea, its light piercing through the chaos, providing direction and hope to sailors lost in the storm. Love functions as this lighthouse for the soul, illuminating the path to peace and reconciliation amidst the storms of anger and hatred.

The commandment of love compels us to act with compassion and empathy, even when our natural inclination is to respond with hostility. It challenges us to see beyond our immediate emotional responses and to recognize the inherent dignity and worth of every person, including those who provoke us.

Consider the example of Christ, who, when faced with betrayal, suffering, and death, responded not with anger or vengeance but with profound love and forgiveness. His life embodies the ultimate triumph over the incensive passions, demonstrating that love is indeed the stronger remedy, capable of transforming even the deepest wounds into sources of healing and grace.

In our own lives, the practice of love requires conscious effort and dedication. When we encounter situations that stir our incensive passions, we must pause and reflect, choosing to respond with love rather than allowing anger to dictate our actions. This does not mean suppressing our emotions but rather channeling them through the lens of compassion and understanding.

For instance, when faced with a colleague's unjust criticism, instead of retaliating with harsh words, we can choose to respond with patience and seek to understand their perspective. In doing so, we not only defuse the immediate conflict but also create an opportunity for deeper connection and mutual respect.

By embracing the commandment of love, we harness a transformative power that can calm the stormiest seas within our souls. Love enables us to rise above the tumult of anger and resentment, fostering a sense of inner peace and harmony that extends outward to those around us.

Let us, therefore, take to heart the wisdom of Maximus the Confessor and the teachings of Christ. Let us cultivate the commandment of love as our strongest remedy against the incensive passions, allowing it to guide our thoughts, words, and actions.

May we, through the practice of love, conquer the storms within and reflect the boundless grace and compassion of the divine, becoming beacons of hope and peace in a world often troubled by anger and strife.