St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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Discovering Harmony in the Ancient Relief of Acreide (Sabbatical Reflection #6)

As we explore the fabric of Palazzolo Acreide situated in the heart of Sicily our journey leads us to the remains of an ancient Greek city named Acreide. Here amidst echoes, from days gone by lies a hidden treasure—the Intagliatella quarry. Discovered within this quarry is a relief dating back to 300 to 200 BC showcasing an era where two influential cultures opted for harmony over strife.

This ancient relief is more than a piece of art; it tells a compelling story etched in stone. At its core an Ancient Greek priest stands side by side with a Roman centurion. This moving portrayal speaks volumes about the potential for harmony, among cultures. On the left of the priest we witness Greeks engaged in worship—a demonstration of their commitment. On the right of the centurion a Roman banquet unfolds—a celebration of community and vitality.

In a world frequently fractured by division and disagreement this ancient relief imparts a message. It serves as a reminder that harmony is a choice—a decision to look beyond our disparities and discover shared principles. The Greek priest and Roman centurion represent their two cultures choosing to live together in this spot. 

This decision resonates across time prompting us to ponder our lives and the decisions we make on a daily basis.

Opting for harmony, over hostility is no easy route. It calls for bravery, empathy and a willingness to be open minded about others. It involves asking questions and striving to comprehend over criticizing. Just as the ancient Greeks and Romans managed to coexist we too can foster a sense of unity within our communities. It all begins with gestures—engaging in conversations sharing meals and embracing our shared humanity.

Perhaps we can emulate the priest and the centurion by reaching out in friendship and understanding, particularly those who differ from us significantly. Lets build a world where harmony flourishes not because its simple but because its worthwhile, it’s our faithful call as Christians. Ultimately a bit of curiosity and plenty of love can guide us towards a enriched life just like it did for those who traversed these paths centuries ago.

As we journey through the streets of our towns and cities let this ancient relief serve as a reminder that harmony's attainable.

Every day presents us with a decision to make one that has the power to change our world and guide us towards a future filled with light and unity as the Body of Christ with all its members.