St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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Around the Table: Bene (Sabbatical Reflection #7)

As we find ourselves on the enchanting island of Sicily for four weeks, embracing the heart of our sabbatical, each day brings new and unique encounters around the table. The conversations are as varied and vibrant as the Sicilian landscape itself. Among these cherished moments, one particularly stands out: our meeting with Bene.

Bene, a young man traveling with his grandmother, has a story that touched our hearts. His grandmother, a spirited woman who appears more like 55 than her actual 89 years, had always wanted to visit Sicily. Her business was once centered around trading the fruits that flourish here, and she longed to see the trees that bore them. It was a dream she wished to fulfill before she died, a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of life. Bene, though not ready to face the prospect of losing her, honored her wish with the deep sense of duty and love that comes from being an only child in a family with an only child.

We shared a laugh as I reassured Bene not to worry too much about his grandmother's health—she's as vibrant as the island itself! But it was during our conversations that the real lessons emerged.

Bene spoke about his life in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a place where one can obtain anything at any hour. However, after ten years in this non-stop environment, he has come to see the human cost of such convenience. The rhythms of life, the natural ebb and flow that Sicily embodies, were missing from his life in the UAE. This trip, he confided, has been a revelation, reconnecting him with the essence of what makes certain lands and lifestyles so special.

For hours, we delved into discussions about life, love, and the concept of home. I shared my own joy in serving St. Francis, and how the emotional and spiritual fulfillment far outweighs any material loss. This resonated with Bene, who began to see that while the UAE offers material abundance, it is the emotional and spiritual connections that truly enrich our lives.

Our time with Bene was a profound reminder of the importance of family, connection, and the natural rhythms that ground us. As we sat around the table, enjoying the fruits of Sicily, we were not just sharing food but also stories, wisdom, and the essence of what it means to be human.

In these moments, we are reminded that life’s true treasures are not found in the 24-hour conveniences, but in the timeless connections we forge with those around us. Bene and his grandmother’s journey to Sicily was more than just a trip; it was a pilgrimage to rediscover the roots of their heritage and the rhythms of life that sustain us all.

As our sabbatical continues, we carry with us the lessons from these rich conversations and the joyful reminder that every table can be a place of profound connection and discovery.