St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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The Spiritual Guide

59. Do not permit any abuse of your spiritual father or encourage anyone who dishonors him. Otherwise the Lord will be angry with your conduct and will obliterate you from the land of the living (cf. Deut. 6:15).

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #59

In the spiritual life's fabric, the spiritual father figure shines as a beacon, guiding the soul with wisdom and grace, akin to a strong oak offering storm shelter. This guardian provides a safe haven for those seeking wisdom and guidance. Imagine a traveler navigating a daunting wilderness; here, the spiritual father stands as a guiding star, offering direction, comfort, and hope to the weary wanderer. He shares wisdom and unveils the spiritual journey's secrets, leading the soul to divine grace's celestial realms.

Despite the spiritual father's critical role, some attempt to undermine his honor and authority, resembling disobedient children who defy their parents' guidance and disrespect this holy office. Such actions draw the Lord's wrath, for mistreating or dishonoring one's spiritual father invites divine condemnation.

Sacred scriptures caution against disrespecting one's spiritual guide, a grave sin that provokes the Lord's righteous anger and risks eternal damnation.

Hence, let's heed Maximus the Confessor's advice, valuing our spiritual fathers' honor and willingly following their guidance. By honoring our spiritual mentors, we honor the Lord himself; dishonoring them risks divine wrath.

Let us remain steadfast in devotion to our soul's shepherds, honoring and respecting them in thought, word, and deed. Doing so not only protects our spiritual well-being but also draws us closer to the divine presence within and among us.