St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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Boundless Joy

13. The person who loves God cannot help loving every man as himself, even though he is grieved by the passions of those who are not yet purified. But when they amend their lives, his delight is indescribable and knows no bounds.

St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #13

Unconditional love, especially when viewed through a divine lens, is a profound journey of the soul, a deep-seated conviction that transcends mere human understanding. The saying emphasizes the intrinsic connection between loving God and loving every human being. It brings to light a deep spiritual truth: our ability to love others without conditions is directly proportional to the depth of our love for the Divine.

To love God truly is to embrace the essence of all creation. Every human being, with their unique flaws, strengths, and potential, becomes a reflection of the Divine. While it's easy to embrace those who are already in alignment with our beliefs and values, it takes an expansive heart and profound spiritual maturity to accept and love those who are still finding their way, those who are not in alignment with our beliefs.

But why is this love so significant? The saying gives us a glimpse into the transformative power of such love. When one truly loves from this space, there's a deep-seated joy and delight in witnessing the growth and evolution of another soul. This joy doesn't arise from a sense of superiority or the validation of one's beliefs, but from a genuine happiness in seeing a soul move closer to its divine potential.

This indescribable delight is a testament to the depth of one's spiritual journey. It's like watching a flower bloom — the flower doesn't bloom for the gardener, yet the gardener finds boundless joy in its blossoming. Similarly, the spiritual aspirant finds immeasurable happiness in the evolution and purification of another soul, not because it validates their path, but because it signifies the universal journey towards the Divine.

The challenges that come with loving those who are quite different in their values, identity and beliefs. It requires patience, compassion, and an unwavering faith in the potential reflection of every soul of the divine. It means seeing beyond the immediate behaviors and recognizing the divine spark, however dim we may think it be.

In a world that often prioritizes transactional and conditional relationships, this saying reminds us of a higher calling. It invites us to ascend to a state of love that is vast, inclusive, and all-embracing. It challenges us to expand our hearts and to love from a space that sees the divine energy, reflection, in every individual, celebrating their journey and growth with a joy that truly "knows no bounds."

This deep, boundless joy is not just a fleeting emotion; it's a state of being. It's a reflection of our alignment with the Divine, our resonance with the universal rhythm of love. And in this resonance, we find not just the essence of our spiritual journey, but the very purpose of our existence.