St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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Navigating the Storms of the Soul

35. A culpable passion is an impulse of the soul that is contrary to nature.

 St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #35

Imagine a tranquil pond, its surface smooth like glass. It perfectly mirrors the azure sky above, with fluffy white clouds drifting lazily and trees lining its periphery. The scene is one of harmony, with each element in its place, painting a picture of serenity and balance.

This pond symbolizes the soul in its natural state—calm, composed, and reflective of its divine origin.

Now, envision a sudden gust of wind, ruffling the pond’s surface. Ripples form, distorting the once-clear reflection. This disruption, while temporary, shifts the balance, causing a disturbance in the peaceful tableau.

This gust of wind represents a culpable passion—an impulse that goes against the soul's inherent nature. It's an external force, one that disrupts the soul's equilibrium and clouds its clarity.

Culpable passions are those feelings or desires that, when acted upon, veer us off our spiritual path. Whether it’s envy that taints our perspective, wrath that blurs our judgment, or pride that obscures our humility, these passions are deviations, anomalies in the soul's natural journey towards enlightenment.

But why label these passions as "culpable" or blame-worthy? Because they stem from choices. While we might not have control over the initial feelings or impulses that arise within us, we do have control over how we react to them. To succumb to these impulses, without reflection or restraint, is to let the gusts of wind continuously disturb our pond.

However, acknowledging these passions is the first step towards stilling the waters once more. It's about recognizing the wind for what it is—a temporary force that can be navigated with awareness and resilience.

In taming these passions, we’re not aiming for suppression, but understanding. It’s about getting to the root of these impulses, understanding their origins, and then choosing a path that aligns with our true nature—a nature that gravitates towards love, compassion, and harmony.

As we journey through life, there will be countless gusts of wind, moments where our soul's waters are ruffled. But with introspection and a deep-rooted connection to our divine essence, we can restore our pond to its natural state of serenity, ensuring that it remains a clear reflection of our higher self.