St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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The Song of a Soul Unchained

34. A pure soul is one freed from passions and constantly delighted by divine love.

 St. Maximus the Confessor Four Hundred Centuries on Love: #34

Close your eyes and imagine a meadow where wildflowers dance with the breeze. The sky, vast and endless, paints a canvas of cerulean blue, dotted with wisps of clouds. A gentle brook murmurs its lullabies, and birds serenade the world with their songs of freedom. In this haven, everything is in harmony, resonating with an ineffable joy that fills the air.

This meadow mirrors the landscape of a pure soul.

A soul burdened by passions is like a stormy sea, where tumultuous waves crash with ferocity, muddying the waters below. Passions – be it anger, envy, lust, or pride – churn the depths of our being, distorting our essence and casting dark clouds over the radiant spirit within. They anchor us to the temporal, blinding us from the eternal beauty that lies beyond.

But in its purest form, the soul is unshackled from these turbulent chains. It finds its rhythm in the cosmic dance of existence, unfettered and unburdened. This liberation is not merely an absence of passions but a transcendence, a rising above that which once weighed it down.

And what elevates this soul, giving it wings to soar? Divine love.

Love, in its divine form, is not a mere emotion. It's an ethereal melody that the soul hums, an ever-present undercurrent that infuses every moment with joy. This love is unconditional, boundless, and ever-flowing, akin to the sunlight that bathes the meadow in a golden hue, nurturing every life within.

For a soul bathed in such love, every heartbeat is a song of gratitude. It sees the world not through the lenses of desires or wants but through the prism of love. It revels in the beauty of existence, finding joy in the simplest of moments — the flutter of a butterfly's wings, the rustle of leaves underfoot, or the soft glow of stars on a moonless night.

This soul is in a perpetual dance with the divine, enchanted by its love song. It sees divinity not just in grand miracles but in everyday miracles too, recognizing the touch of the divine in every dewdrop, every smile, every act of kindness.

The journey to such purity is neither short nor easy. It demands introspection, resilience, and, above all, a burning desire to unite with the divine. But as we tread this path, with every shackle we shed and every note of love we embrace, we come closer to becoming the pure soul — one that is perpetually bathed in divine light and eternally delighted by divine love.