St. Francis in-the-Field Episcopal Church

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Around the Table: My Experience

As I reflect on my sabbatical journey, the table became more than I ever realized.  It is a place of learning, love, laughter, difficulty, and connection.  It is very clear to me that Jesus chose meals intentionally to be a medium for His teachings because dining together inherently involves a deep level of vulnerability and connection. Sharing a meal requires us to open up and let down our guard, allowing for genuine connection. The table, in its humble simplicity, reminds us of our dependence on the creation and the intricate balance of the cosmos that sustains our lives.

During my travels, I immersed myself in farming, gardening (a distinct yet equally rewarding pursuit), cooking, the art of making cheese, chocolate, and coffee. I prayed daily and often found myself in unceasing prayer, seeking a deeper understanding of spirituality as it was practiced in the desert nearly two millennia ago. These experiences were nothing short of incredible, offering profound insights that I now carry with me.

Three key learnings stand out from my travels: the importance of curiosity, perspective, and growth.

  • Curiosity is a powerful antidote to many negative emotions and actions. When we cultivate curiosity about each other, the world, and what God is doing in our lives, we open ourselves to authentic relationships. Curiosity allows us to see beyond the surface and engage with others in meaningful ways. This way of being allows us to remain authentic to where we are standing or in our beliefs while also opening ourselves up to new ideas and possibilities. Through curiosity we can truly enter into communion with one another.

  • Perspective helps us realize that our thoughts and feelings can sometimes cloud our ability to discern God's calling. Fear and the desire for control were the two most prominent feelings I encountered that hindered my perspective. Spending time in the garden, observing plants as they grew towards the light, taught me valuable lessons. These plants, in their micro movements, displayed a worldview far larger than my own. They embraced change with intention, continuously reaching for the light without attempting to control the plants around them. They simply abided in their place within the creation. This realization made me understand that I, too, am made to live without fear or the need to control. Instead, my role is to help others see what God is doing in their lives, recognizing that the light of the Christ binds us all together. Intentional prayer is essential for grounding ourselves in a perspective larger than our own minds.

  • Growth was another significant learning from my journey. Each time I left a table, monastery, or event, I was reminded by my hosts of the importance of growth. Brother Joseph, after a deep prayer session, shared with me that we are all constantly growing and changing. He emphasized that what sets us apart is how the Holy Spirit works within us and how we live into the opportunities in front of us. Every day presents new chances to gather, grow, and learn from one another. 

As I return to St. Francis, I am committed to applying these principles to my role as Rector.  I will be spending more time in prayer, listening, and being curious with those who call our church home.  I believe this will help us to continue fostering a vibrant, Spirit-filled community. I still see St. Francis as a place that practices radical hospitality, proclaiming the Gospel to a world in need of seeing the face of Jesus around our table. Through curiosity, perspective, and growth, we can create a space where everyone feels welcome and connected, where the light of Christ shines brightly in the chaos of our world.

I invite you to join me in this journey of curiosity, perspective, and growth. I hope we can meet at the table each Sunday, embracing vulnerability, and celebrating the Body of Christ that unites us all. Together, we can continue to make St. Francis a beacon of love, light, and radical hospitality.

May we always remember that each meal shared, each prayer offered, and each act of kindness brings us closer to the heart of God and to one another. Amen.